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Hy friends...!Welcome to my blog...I update my stories and experiences here...
Come to see it, and do not be bored..


Forever friend....

Forever friend....

Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Going to my new school..


Nggak kerasa ya,, besok aku dah berangkat..
waktu berjalan cepat banget,,

Ya Allah, semoga ini memang yang terbaik untukku yang tlah Kau berikan..
Buat temen2, Good Luck at your new school.. Lakukan yang terbaik yang bisa kalia lakukan... Saling support dan mendo'akan..

Love you All..
I'll miss you...
and never forget you, all. Insya Allah..
See yaa... =)

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Bekasi, Jawa barat, Indonesia
My name is Muthia Khairina Putri, but people usually call me Muthia, muthi, or tia.. I'm the first daughter in my famiLy...I have 3 younger sisters and 1 younger brother...